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One Worship Service This Sunday:
Traditional 11:15AM |
Northside Church
a group of people standing together

God's Tithes and Our Offerings

Your donations fund the many programming areas of Northside including children, youth, young adults, adults, women and men’s ministries, missions, music and worship, sports and recreation, production, and creative services.

Through the “Give Today” option below, you can donate to our Operating Budget and support the daily mission and ministry of our church or choose a specific fund. You may also text “NorthsideATL” to 73256 and follow the prompts.

If you’d like to support our annual stewardship campaign by pledging a specific amount, you may use the Make A Commitment option below.

Cash And Check

We welcome cash and check donations in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. Please make checks payable to Northside United Methodist Church (NUMC) and designate in the memo section of the check which fund (operating budget or capital campaign) the contribution is to be applied. You may also hand-deliver or mail your donation to the church with attention to the Business Office.

Church Address


Contributions of stock can be made to Northside by delivering securities to Northside United Methodist Church Account at Schwab: Account #9083-5983, DTC Clearing 0164, Code 40. We ask that you please notify us of the transfer by contacting Terrance Moore, our Accountant.

Email Terrance


Sustaining our church for the future is no small task. Our vision is an Endowment Fund that could provide for the ongoing maintenance, repair, and empowerment of our facility so that we can be a fixture in the community for years to come. If you’d like to leave a lasting legacy, we invite you to learn more about the The Endowment Fund by contacting our Executive Director, Ken Snell, via email or by phone at 678.298.5054.

Email Ken